
Shwedagon Paya, Yangon

23/8/2019 - 19.15

Shwedagon Paya is one of the most magical and charming places we’ve ever had the chance to visit in our life: we could “breathe“ the atmosphere created by the first light of the evening, the ilt candles, the magnificence of the golden pagoda and we have been swayed by the rhythm of the incessant prayer, rhythm that was dictated, particularly that evening, by the teeming rain.

Ne abbiamo parlato nel nostro Podcast Ermete, puntata numero 1, che puoi ascoltare here.

Binaural recording: headphones on!
Canon 6D, 17-40 mm, ISO 1600, 1/100, f 4

In a different corner of this immense pagoda, a group of worshippers starts singing a collective prayer.

Binaural recording: headphones on!
Canon 500D, 17-40 mm, ISO 3200, 1/50, f 4

Contact us


Laura Pronestì | P.IVA 09745190968
